Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Corona Phenomena

The electric transmission grid represents a network that serves to the transmission and the interregional exchange of electric energy.
Within the transmission network is made an energy balance that takes into account the network losses.
System losses are:
• Power losses (ΔP) represent the consumption of electric power necessary for the transmission of electricity and for the distribution process;
• Energy losses (ΔW) represent the consumption of electric energy necessary for the transmission of electricity and for the distribution process;

If we define the contour of an electric network like an imaginary line which closes the ensemble of electric installations and which provides the energy exchanges between the neighboring systems, then we can calculate the losses based on the next formula:
∆W=Wai – Wae

 Where: - Wai - active electrical energy entering in contour
                  Wa - active electrical energy leaving the contour

 In a national energy system the losses don’t have a constant value because there are a lot of factors that influence this value, factors like:

- The level of energy consumption;
- The production structure regarding the consumption areas;
- The changes on the interconnection lines;
- The voltage control;
- The reactive power conditions;
- The losses caused by the corona phenomenon;


The corona phenomenon is an autonomous incomplete discharge around the conductor, followed by acoustic phenomena. The corona phenomenon appears when the value of the electric field around the conductor reaches a critical limit of 21, 1 kV/cm.

The influence of the corona discharge manifest through:
- The increasing of the losses of power and energy in electrical grids;
- The shortening of the life period of the conductors, fittings, clamps through corrosion process;
- The generation of strong high-frequency disturbances which interrupt radio and TV transmission
- The generation of acoustic noise disturbing

To avoid the appearance of corona phenomena it is necessary increasing the value of Ucr:
- By enlarging the conductor's radius; this measure leads to difficulties in assembling and operating electric lines;
- By using bundle conductors who decrease the value of the electric field near the conductor’s surface;
In what concerns the underground cable, the power losses appear due to the ionization phenomenon in the cable dielectric and due to the imperfection of the cable’s insulation. At the underground cables used at 110 kV and 220 kV, the power losses in insulations can reaches values of 5¸10 kW/km.

The presence of corona discharge in high voltage grids leads to energy losses that depend on:

Constant factors like: the pole type, the bundle conductor's surface, the distance between conductors and phases;

 Variable factors like: transmission voltage level, weather, the conductor's surface, clamps and armatures, the type and pollution rank of insulations;
The corona losses don’t depend on the grid’s transmission power and represents few percents from the line transmission capacity.  


The Romanian transmission grid is a structure well developed with interconnection lines, protections and automations systems which ensures a high level of security for the power system. No matter how much would be developed the part that concerns the equipments, the installations and the protections, in an electrical grid will always exist power losses that, at most, can be reduced. From this point of view, the corona losses are a grid characteristic and are strongly influenced by the meteorological conditions and the voltage level of that electric network.  As a Transmission System Operator, one of our purposes is to decrease the corona losses and that’s why, starting with the year 2010, we began to realize a forecast of the losses. Practically, the Romanian Power Grid Company has the benefit obtained through reducing the costs with the imbalances. Nevertheless, it has been observed the fact that not always it can be realized a good forecast. The contrary, the differences that appear are bigger and for this reason the economical losses grow.
Analyzing the aspects mentioned above, we get to the conclusion that the reducing of corona losses can be achieved following a good forecast of losses – a risky situation and sometimes with negative effects. So, the investments in transmission grid and in its components are the safest solutions.
Growing the number of the conductors on each phase of the electrical line, purchasing and replacing the old transformers, the installation of equipments with role in adjusting the voltage level , are some of the measures that can be taken to reduce the losses provided by corona phenomenon.

Corona Calculations

The following corona calculations are from Dielectric Phenomena in High Voltage Engineering, F.W. Peek, 1929
 For Concentric Cylinders in Air
• Corona will not form when RO / RI < 2.718. (Arcing will occur instead when the voltage is too high.)
For Parallel Wires in Air:
• Corona will not form when X / r < 5.85. (Arcing will occur instead when the voltage is too high.)
For Equal Spheres in Air:
• Corona will not form when X / R < 2.04. (Arcing will occur instead when the voltage is too high.)
• Arcing difficult to avoid when X / R < 8
• RO = Radius of outer concentric sphere
• RI = Radius of inner concentric sphere
• R = Sphere radius
• r = wire radius
• X = Distance between wires or between spheres

Corona Prevention

Corona can be avoided by minimizing the voltage stress and electric field gradient. This is accomplished by using utilizing good high voltage design practices, i.e., maximizing the distance between conductors that have large voltage differentials, using conductors with large radii, and avoiding parts that have sharp points or sharp edges. Corona inception voltage can sometimes be increased by using a surface treatment, such as a semiconductor layer, high voltage putty or corona dope. Also, use a good, homogeneous insulator. Void free solids, such as properly prepared silicone and epoxy potting materials work well. If you are limited to using air as your insulator, then you are left with geometry as the critical parameter.
Finally, ensure that steps are taken to reduce or eliminate unwanted voltage transients, which can cause corona to start


The corona phenomenon is a complex one because at high alternative voltage this phenomenon produces energy losses – that’s why we take special measures to restrict the appearance of the phenomenon. At high voltage pulse and at high continuous voltage the corona phenomenon is useful and it has multiple applications like: the flattening of the overvoltage pulses, industrial electrofilters, the Xerox multiplication process etc
The most important conclusion that the active power losses caused by the corona phenomenon have high values on electric lines with one conductor and with frost formation. The solutions to this problem were mentioned above and concern in making investments in the components of electrical grid, like: changing the conductors because the losses will decrease if we use bundle conductors or if we increase the number of conductors per phase.
Romania is a country situated in a geographical area that favors the appearance of fog and the deposit of frost, phenomena that have the biggest impact on the losses. We have not the power necessary or the possibility to change the nature or the geographical area to obtain a smaller value of the losses. The only solution and the most plausible both of the technical and economical point of view, is to decrease the costs with the imbalances. Practical, we can take measures to obtain a better adjustment of the voltage, to avoid the congestions what presumes to

 [1] Alina Andreea NEAGU -The  corona phenomenon and its effects on the losses in the High-Voltage Transmission lines
[2]    Miga-Papadopol M., Nota privind CPT-ul inRET, Bucuresti, 2009
[3]    Ungureanu M., Metodologie privind abordarea statistica (meteo, relief, tensiuni) a pierderilor corona pentru liniile de 220 si 400 kV, Bucuresti 2002
[4]     Marudava Sarama P., Corona Performances of High-Voltage Transmission Lines, England, pp. 55-86

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